Alessandro Ferraro
Alessandro Ferraro, storico dell’arte, è dottorando in Storia dell’arte contemporanea presso l’Università di Genova (tesi: L’astrazione come condizione storica: un nuovo approccio critico alla storia dell’astrazione). Si è formato presso l’ateneo genovese e la Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo di Torino. È stato research fellow presso la Stiftung Hans Arp di Berlino e presso la Hilma af Klint Stiftelsen (Moderna Museet, Stoccolma) – Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Stoccolma. Tiene moduli di insegnamento presso l’ateneo genovese (“Storia delle mostre e pratiche curatoriali” e “Analisi dell’immagine artistica”) e presso la scuola di specializzazione in beni storico-artistici dell’Università di Pisa (“Arti, Tecnologie e Antropocene”). I suoi ambiti di ricerca riguardano principalmente la storia dell’astrazione, l’exhibition design e l’interrelazione tra le nuove tecnologie per l’arte e i recenti cambiamenti climatici. Attualmente sta lavorando al volume dal titolo Representing and Understanding Abstraction Today (forthcoming, 2023).
Alessandro Ferraro is an art historian and a PhD candidate in Contemporary Art History at the University of Genoa. His thesis focuses on "Abstraction as a Historical Condition: A New Critical Approach to the History of Abstraction". He received his education from the University of Genoa and the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation in Turin. He was a research fellow at the Stiftung Hans Arp in Berlin and at the Hilma af Klint Stiftelsen (Moderna Museet, Stockholm) - Italian Institute of Culture, Stockholm. He teaches modules at the University of Genoa ("History of Exhibitions and Curatorial Practices" and "Analysis of Artistic Images") and at the postgraduate school in Historical-Artistic Heritage of the University of Pisa ("Arts, Technologies, and Anthropocene"). His research focuses mainly on the history of abstraction, exhibition design, and the interrelation between new technologies for art and recent climate change. He is currently working on a book entitled Representing and Understanding Abstraction Today (forthcoming, 2023).