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Abstract: ITA | ENG

All'inizio del Novecento il passaggio dalla fisica newtoniana a quella einsteiniana determina un cambiamento di paradigma nel panorama scientifico condiviso. Man mano che le teorie della relatività ristretta si diffondono tra la comunità di intellettuali e tra le persone comuni si assiste a un progressivo mutamento non solo su un piano epistemologico, ma anche sociale, filosofico e artistico. Il cambiamento del paradigma porta dunque a un cambiamento nella visione del mondo. Uno dei concetti emblematici emersi dalla relatività ristretta è quello del cronotopo, ovvero dello spazio-tempo. Il presente saggio si propone di adottare proprio il nucleo epistemologico dello spazio-tempo come asse guida per confrontare interdisciplinariamente la poetica di tre artisti che hanno inglobato le riflessioni sulla spazio-temporalità nella loro produzione artistica. Si partirà dall’arte tetradimensionale proposta dallo spazialismo di Lucio Fontanta per procedere ad analizzare le questioni spazio-temporali nella pittura e nella poesia di Toti Scialoja. Scialoja, quindi, si offrirà come trait d’union per rivelare le profonde affinità tra pensiero pittorico e poetico. Infine, si prenderà in considerazione la spazialità metrica di Amelia Rosselli e la sua poesia considerata come un cubo a quattro dimensioni.

At the beginning of the twentieth century the transition from Newtonian physics to Einsteinian physics determined a paradigm shift in the scientific panorama. As the theory of relativity spread among the community of intellectuals and among people, the whole of society underwent a progressive change, not only on an epistemological level, but also on a social, philosophical and artistic scale. The paradigm shift, thus, led to a change in worldview. One of the emblematic concepts emerged from the theory of relativity is that of chronotope, or space-time. This essay aims to adopt the epistemological concept of space-time as the axis along which to compare the poetics of three artists, who managed to incorporate the reflections on space-time in their artistic production. I shall start from analysing the four-dimensional art proposed by Lucio Fontanta’s spatialism and I will then discuss the issues of space-time in the painting and poetry of Toti Scialoja, who will function as a link to reveal the deep interconnection between visual arts and poetry. Finally, I will consider the spatial metrics of Amelia Rosselli and her poems considered as four-dimensional cubes.


We refuse to think that science and art are two distinct facts, and that the gestures made in one of the two disciplines do not also belong to the other. Artists anticipate scientific gestures, scientific gestures always provoke artistic gestures.[1]

Primo Manifesto dello Spazialismo, Milano, 1947


Art and science are indistinguishable facts, such is the provocative statement Fontana made in his Primo Manifesto dello Spazialismo, in 1947. Katherine Hayles would define these two disciplines ‘isomorphic’, Edgard Morin would speak of ‘recursivity’ and Pierpaolo Antonello would not hesitate to add philosophy and technology to the equation[2]. The artwork throughout the Twentieth Century, indeed, becomes rhizomatic, since it ingests and in return offers a series of different stimuli, in open dialogue with other art forms, with science, with philosophy and with technology. The artistic research of post-war Italy at large was entangled in this discovery; the fading anachronism of realism (and neorealism) coexisted with new lines of research in the visual arts, as well as in music and writing. The experimental wave looked back and added to the avant-garde movements of the first half of the century, which were now considered «museal art»,[3] ready to become a tradition for much needed innovation after the impasse generated by autarchism and by the fascist regime. Art finally opened up to contamination which was at once transnational and transdisciplinary.

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